McDonald's, for example, has pledged to cut the trans-fatty acids in its French fries by almost half by early 2003.
On the other hand, the products at issue also contain high levels of total fat and trans-fatty acids.
It is a naturally occurring trans-fatty acid found in the fat of ruminants and in dairy products such as milk, butter, and yogurt.
In 2003, Denmark reduced the proportion of trans-fatty acids to 2 grams per 100 grams of cooking oil.
In the Netherlands, following an advertising campaign in the eighties, the amount of trans-fatty acids in margarine went from 50% down to 2% today.
Currently the only Vistive seed on the market is a low-linolenic soybean that reduces or eliminates the need for addition of trans-fatty acids.
"There is a problem with trans-fatty acids in margarine," Dr. Castelli said.
It would be a better choice but it is possible to have maragrine that is very low in trans-fatty acids.
Margarines made without trans-fatty acids are being produced in Europe, and American manufacturers may follow their lead.
MON 87705 was designed for as a replacement for hydrogenated oils and fats, which are high in trans-fatty acids.