Before leaving on his trans-Atlantic trip, Plant went aground in the Chesapeake Bay.
European club teams have complained that the system, used for the past three World Cup qualifying competitions, forces players to make too many trans-Atlantic trips.
However, allowing for acceleration and deceleration time, a trans-Atlantic trip would not be 3 times faster.
The ship had a major refit in 1968, then added Caribbean cruises between trans-Atlantic trips.
Pharatta ran the mile and an eighth in 1:47, paid $16.80 for a $2 bet to win and earned $129,720 for her trans-Atlantic trip.
He finished the trans-Atlantic trip from New York in 6 days 13 hours.
In fact, Fossett's trans-Atlantic trip is just the opening scene in a three-act play.
To begin her winter cruise, she made a westbound trans-Atlantic trip to New York, carrying 378.
Its final trans-Atlantic trip from Montreal was Oct. 7.
After an uneventful trans-Atlantic trip, the Virgin had arrived in New York late last night.