Verisel kept issuing her order, in tranquil and terrifying tones.
This, spoken in a cool, tranquil tone, was mortifying and baffling enough.
He said in the same tranquil tones, utterly without anger or reproach: "I know the truth.
Either she could not think much beyond her own loss, or she took my tranquil tone as a prophet's reassurance.
In contrast, the markings of piano represent the protagonist with its softer, more tranquil tones.
Therefore the shock she received can better be imagined than described, when he said in a perfectly tranquil tone, "Do you care to dance?"
'You are all lying,' said the duke, in tranquil tones.
She fended off his question in a tranquil tone.
The tranquil tone of today's debate was a departure from the increasingly heated campaign.
"No one said so," replied the man of science in a tranquil tone.