There we were on a tranquil sea and if there really was land close by we might not be able to reach it.
Quiddity was no longer a tranquil sea of souls.
A witness said the dolphins rolled off stretchers into a tranquil sea and were gone immediately.
Several steep-sided islands rose abruptly from a tranquil sea whose color was deep blue, almost indigo.
The desert was a great tranquil sea stretching out on all sides from this sanctuary of warmth which they now entered.
There they were, out of formation but still within sight of one another, drifting on the now tranquil sea.
Andrews ordered the engine cut, and now the yacht rocked gently in the tranquil sea.
A fine day, however, with a tranquil sea and favoring breeze, soon put all these dismal reflections to flight.
The original name was "temple of the tranquil sea," Haeansa.
Patches of the familiar yellow fog were dotting the tranquil sea like mushrooms.