There are so many considerations to attend to, and surely the daily consorting with the insane would be far from conducive to a tranquil existence.
This uncertain but tranquil existence comes to an abrupt end when Fay's older sister takes her away to Greenwichtown, a city where violence is rampant and "killings a means of expression."
But in the meantime, artists, especially not very good ones, can enjoy a much more tranquil and more privileged existence than their opposite numbers in the West.
They shook hands, and Bannerman found himself liking the boy, despite the turmoil that he brought into the Consul's normally tranquil existence.
Neither object promised a tranquil existence, and that kind of excitement was not what she wanted.
Her tranquil existence is dramatically broken by the arrival of Ged (also called Sparrowhawk) on the back of the dragon Kalessin, unconscious and near death.
The novel itself was quite unusual for its time in providing an account of how murder affects the tranquil existence of Oxford dons.
It is my fervent hope that Redwall lead a calm and tranquil existence and that the sword never has to be brought down within my life's seasons.
But their tranquil existence is threatened.
The fact that his two-headed master occasionally failed to agree as to what Bobo should do was the only note of insecurity in his tranquil bloodthirsty existence.