Esquivel's musical style was highly idiosyncratic, and although elements sound like his contemporaries, many stylistic traits distinguished his music and made it instantly recognizable, including exotic percussion, wordless vocals, virtuoso piano runs, and exaggerated dynamic shifts.
These traits distinguish Elaltitan from all other titanosauriforms, including Antarctosaurus and Argyrosaurus, as well as other sauropods from the lower member of the Bajo Barreal Formation, such as Drusilasaura and Epachthosaurus.
Aside from the presence of teeth and the absence of a solid carapace, a few other skeletal traits distinguish Odontochelys as basal compared to other turtles, extant and otherwise.
Many traits distinguish the Oscar Wilde of "The Judas Kiss," David Hare's dense marble monument of a play, from the more ordinary run of mankind that surrounds him: his epigrammatic articulateness, of course; his sartorial flair; his unbending insistence on his tailor-made philosophy.
One or two conspicuous traits distinguish each family of animals from the others, and those one or two traits are found in every member of each family, and are so prominent as to eternally and unchangeably establish the character of that branch of the animal world.
He does allow that most intellectual differences among races are probably due to unequal experience, but maintains that cognitive traits distinguishing the sexes well up from the genes.
Physical traits do not distinguish criminals from non criminals, but genetic factors together with environmental factors are strong predictors of adult crime and violence.
A phase is an archaeological unit possessing traits sufficiently characteristic to distinguish it from all other units similarly conceived.