He has headed numerous campaigns against social evils and training volunteers in effectively handling emergency situations.
Proceeds of the evening will support the community center's cultural and social services, which include training volunteers to teach reading to elementary school students.
The Library operates an adult literacy program, training volunteers to tutor individuals who lack basic reading ability.
Also, in 1971, during the war of independence of Bangladesh, a guerrilla training camp was set up and used for training volunteers.
They had been responsible for managing the main office at 45 East 33rd Street and training volunteers to operate the league's popular telephone line.
The amount of training volunteers need varies from a few hours to several days, she said, depending on the assignment.
By training volunteers and then monitoring their experiences, researchers are trying to figure out who will actually use the defibrillators in an emergency.
Volunteer Services - training volunteers to work with patients and their families and to assist with fund-raising.
School administrators have begun training volunteers how to use the Book of Hope teacher's manuals for weekly classes.
During the American Civil War, he was responsible for training volunteer recruits into combat engineers.