The trainees receive a modest daily stipend for the duration of their training.
Because this taxes the supply of on-duty professionals, trainees have typically received most of their practice on the job.
All trainees receive three meals a day, also known as "chow time."
Each trainee will receive a regular principal's salary, which starts at $71,000, for the year.
Konoe-tai trainees receive extremely intensive training in unarmed fighting systems.
Apprentices and trainees receive a wage which increases as they progress.
More than 2,500 trainees have received certificates to date.
In addition, some trainees receive an anti-oil leak or non-violent activity training.
Even more contentious is the question of whether the trainees should receive instruction in the United States.
Additionally, each trainee received a receipt book to record recipients of posters and to obtain their agreement to comply with the new guidelines.