Needless to say, the code is not very useful in written form, but it can be tough when spoken by a trained (and thus quick) user.
It allows trained users, from a non-technical background, to update content on websites and intranets.
These instruments and equipment require proper calibration, and interpretation of their readings requires a knowledgeable and trained user.
For a trained user, the wands gave much greater speed and precision than any other interface.
The student saw the machine on the wall, and even though it was designed for trained users, he grabbed it and saved Mr. Reeves's life.
A trained user would be able to communicate a whole vocabulary through eye movements.
Although tools have been developed allowing trained users to perform analysis quickly the process is demanding.
And it requires a trained user to go through that.
In the hands of a trained user, the knife blade can be brought to bear quickly using one hand.
Therefore a trained user may use virtually any word processor when creating IPF documents.