She was trained exclusively via Internet by Marina Kopylova.
They have been trained exclusively in Krav Maga.
For much of his career he concentrated on jumpers but in his later years trained exclusively on the Flat.
Early in his career, the boxer trained exclusively with Pedro Cobé.
In 1918, staff officers who had been trained exclusively for static trench warfare were forced to adapt to the demands of semi-open warfare.
But until this season, Johnson had trained with the machine exclusively during the off season.
He remained steadfastly devoted to his two masters and trained with them exclusively throughout both of their lives.
Students previously trained exclusively in the art of performance, but modern performance schools now include academic studies as well.
Of the current group of 29 advanced men, for example, only 7 have trained more or less exclusively at the school.
Anoushka began studying at age nine and is the only musician in the world trained exclusively by Ravi.