Is she a trained beast master?
The kaiila was a trained beast.
"There's no reason why I should have to act like some kind of-of trained beast to prove that I'm just as human as anyone else."
Suthra Use - Use trained beasts to perform various tasks, including combat.
She was a well- trained beast, raised from the time she was a calf to do as the small, weak creatures who rode her ordered.
Here it was that my twelve trained beasts came in.
Every wagon had its particular place; closest to the village, the food sellers and the trained beasts.
Karontor's priests are encouraged to kill good creatures, using trained beasts (especially wolves) for this purpose.
From the stories he'd heard, real dragon hunts were vast enterprises involving numbers of trained beasts and people.
As if in answer to Cardona came a low, thin whistle, repeated twice in the night, the sort of signal to which a trained beast would respond.