When a train traverses a turnout in a facing direction, it may diverge onto either of the two routes.
Since the completion of the first round of improvements, approximately 45 trains per day traverse the line.
The two central tracks are isolated to permit trains to traverse the station at full speed (300 km/h).
Work began on the tunnel in 1891 and was completed on May 1, 1895, when the first train traversed the tunnel.
The train traverses a few bunny hops and a 90-degree right turn as it coasts from the station to the lift.
This work was carried out very quickly and, as early as October 1965, trains of six carriages traversed the line.
After the project's completion, as many as 32 freight trains will traverse daily, and hazardous materials or garbage may be aboard.
The train that is the American Express traverses all.
Thus, the train traverses a distance of 2177 km.
These switches cause a bump when the train traverses in the turnout direction.