The train screeched its way to a stop.
"I wouldn't ask anyone else," he said solemnly as a train screeched to a stop.
The train lurched, screeched and shuddered to a halt.
With elevated trains screeching past and windows open on summer nights, "there were different norms of noise," he said.
Five cars traveled over the two men before the train screeched to a halt.
Those massive black trains - and they were all black back then - would screech and squeal.
He wheeled around and shoved the nearest commuter onto the tracks as the No. 6 train screeched into the 51st Street station.
When the train finally screeched to a halt, a car door was still lodged in the train's front.
The train was screeching and shuddering to a halt.
All too soon, the train screeched to a stop at 23d Street.