A section of gasoline pipeline that ruptured in a fatal explosion Thursday was not checked for damage after a runaway train plowed across it two weeks earlier, the line's owner said today.
Chatter filled the car as the train plowed past the concrete buildings that fill Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama.
In broad daylight, a train going 60 miles per hour plowed into another stopped on the tracks.
The three were accused of helping to set fire to a train, after the train plowed into a human blockade and killed six people in a crowd that until then had been demonstrating peacefully.
The explosion that blew out their windows had occurred when another train plowed into it, evidently at high speed.
A third train, the Tezgam Express, coming from Karachi at the same time, then plowed into the wreckage of the derailed cars, officials said.
The engineeer, 42-year-old Raymond C. Hunter, was killed when his train plowed into one that had stopped ahead of his.
City residents say the buses do not run on time, the trains regularly plow through red lights and the system is plagued by technical problems.
Studies suggested that the train of nuclei would plow into Jupiter's atmosphere over a period of about five days.
The agency said the train plowed into the bus on an unattended crossing in Huinan county, Jilin Province, on Wednesday.