A new trailer towing package was added allowing larger trailer loads to be pulled.
However this results in the towing vehicle bearing some of the trailer braking load, something the towing vehicle is often not designed to do.
"I told him I had two more trailer loads left and that was it," Mr. Berry, now 68, recalled.
While pulling heavy trailer loads in the grounds of the rear engine also played out his trump card.
Two years ago, we had 75 trailer loads of ice melter that sat.
"The Serbs collected a whole trailer load of weapons."
"If we go to Chicago again," he said with humility, "we won't expect to sell three trailer loads a month again."
Mr. Powers said he planned to buy a larger generator from a Home Depot that was to receive two trailer loads on Sunday.
Along with their turning advantages, fifth wheels are capable of handling much heavier trailer loads than small, hitch-based trailers.
During this time, Yellow helped pioneer the concept of consolidating small freight shipments into trailer loads.