She only floated, head bent forward as if in deep thought, her hair trailing upward.
Her fingertips trailed upward along his spine.
Warm fingertips trailed upward, along her spine.
A screech trailed upward as Bradthaw's body fell.
Huge cables snaked across it; a few more trailed upward like columns, still mooring, far aloft, the wreckage of a mast.
Half the buildings were already blackened stone or brick and fallen timbers, with mere wisps of smoke trailing upward.
Pale, tantalizing smoke trailed upward to perfume the air.
The skytower was outlined by safety lights, flashing on and off like fireflies, trailing upward until they disappeared into the starry sky.
Off to her right, a huge pall of smoke trailed upward.
An electrical wire trailed upward through the grating to the deck above.