If the Senate passes the bill, those sites could become part of a historic trail linking the most significant parts of the route.
There is a paved trail linking three peaks and the hill is a hot spot of easy hiking.
It will eventually form part of a 4,500-kilometre (2,800-mile) "super trail" linking Bhutan and Pakistan.
The trail will link urban, suburban and rural areas and weave in and out of historic, cultural and recreational resources.
One of the most spectacular rides is said to be the one- to two-hour trail linking Andreas and Murray canyons.
Completion of this trail will allow public access along the river while providing a continuous pedestrian trail linking Secaucus retail, office, commercial and residential districts.
The trail also links Highland, by connections with other trails, with Porter County, Indiana, to the east.
This site is one in the series that will form a trail linking Revolutionary War sites in central New Jersey together to show their historical importance.
This trail links the sites that comprise Boston African American National Historic Site.
The North Sea Trail is a long-distance trail linking seven countries around the North Sea.