The former right of way has since become a recreational trail known as the Cowboy Trail.
A hiking trail known as Jeremy's Run Trail crosses the stream 14 times in the national park.
The thing itself will make its trail known to me.
I came by way of the only land trail out of Tuen-Baka, a trail known only to my people.
There is a Parcourse trail, also known as a fitness trail inside the base.
Every mile or so, there is a funny-looking stone tower in the middle of the trail, known as a ventilator.
Framingham is sited on the ancient trail known as Old Connecticut Path.
Zane is also famous for blazing the trail known as Zane's Trace.
She continued walking in a northerly direction on the road portion of the trail now known as Harbour Road.
The second trail, known as Maktrav, starts in Sto.