He saw a sentry running, trailing flames and flapping arms that suddenly resembled bright orange wings.
Leviathan, trailing blue flames, still came on toward da Gama at a rate measured in kilometers per second.
The armor-piercing rocket sped across the water, trailing brilliant flames.
Poultrez zoomed toward shore trailing flames and thick smoke like a jet afterburner.
Mr. Carnahan said he thought the aircraft had been trailing flames before it hit the ground, but there was no confirmation of this from authorities.
And the surviving wizards who dared to look back saw, tumbling slowly down the sky, a small object trailing flames behind it.
Her arms reached out to me, she stepped closer - and 1 laughed Ape's nasty belly-laugh, and trailed flames at her feet also.
His eyes remained on the blackened body of the wyrm that had begun to fall from above, trailing flames.
One fighter did crash on theTrenton 's flight deck-and then skidded off into the sea, trailing flames.