This feller was a good cook and that trail crew he rode with must have been contented men.
His only hope was that none of Timothy's trail crew was present or close by.
They require their trail crews to use crosscut saws rather than chainsaws when working in designated wilderness.
Some administrative cabins constructed in the early 1920s afford refuge for trail crews and wilderness rangers.
Today, the organization hires a seasonal trail crew and a counselor staff.
Several bridges along this section are brand new and constructed by trail crews in the last two years.
The trail crew goes out every weekend, spring and fall.
He had no way of judging the buried animosities that lay hidden between the trail crew and the people of the town.
Sheep Camp consists of three canvas shelters, a small cache used by the trail crew, outhouses, and over 40 campsites.
If, so, consider being a volunteer on our trail crew this summer.