To it trailed cables, glinting here and there, many cables, silver or gold in the crazy light.
Microwave antennae bristled around its edges, trailing armored cables.
Two grappling devices shot from ports on the launch bay arm, trailing thin cables that Archer could see partly on the forward screen.
It was an unseemly object, trailing pipes and cables and pieces of shelving.
Madeleine saw a set of blocky metal boxes, trailing cables.
Pasted to the boy's forehead and scalp were several electrodes trailing black cables that snaked along the floor and fed into an electroencephalogram monitor.
More hatches opened and tiny rockets hurtled out, trailing cables.
Then the Service Wall, trailing loose cables.
It trailed cables behind it.
Communications lines were plugged into their backpacks and they were handed TV cameras trailing cables, flashlights, and a pouch of tools and accessories.