The grass and flowers would soon be gone; the steppe spring was brief, as tragically brief as life itself.
This visual biography and attached reports are no more than a first draft: a simple observation, a laying-out of the events of Jesus' tragically brief life.
The marriage was tragically brief; she died during childbirth in August 1928.
Lissitzky took part fully in the tragically brief artistic experiment that flourished in the dozen years after the Russian Revolution.
"Don't move, Professor Robinson," Smith raised the gun, his eyes cold, "or this rather peculiar family reunion will be tragically brief."
His moment of glory was tragically brief, however.
SMITH Don't move, Professor Robinson or this rather peculiar family reunion will be tragically brief.
-Marquise du Deffand Introduction Her life was tragically brief; her death, immortal.
After waiting since 1948 to earn the right to stage an Olympic Games, Londoners learned that their celebration would be tragically brief.
By all accounts, theirs was a happy and stable, though tragically brief, relationship.