Together they constitute one man's tragic view of his homeland, a view that's nothing less than a primal howl of outrage and disgust.
Having attained a more tragic and clear-sighted view of world affairs than the Progressives, these leaders established a more durable postwar order.
As such, his pessimistic interpretations of his patients' conflicts were inseparable from a dark, if not tragic, view of civilization.
Most of Liebrecht's characters share a tragic view.
If you start out with a tragic view of life, then anything since is just a bonus.
At its core was an essentially tragic view of life, in which powerful forces beyond individual will were seen to be in control.
Mr. Hanks, who described himself as shy, independent and retiring, said he shared some of Steven Gold's tragic view of the world.
Such beginnings prepared both men for the tragic view of life they shared in their work for the theater.
The tragic view comes closest to describing how I now look at Peter Singer.
His tragic view of history embraced change, while regarding the means by which it was accomplished as the source of an endless need for future expiation.