"Unfortunately it is about a lost generation of children whose tragic plight is being repeated every day."
'Revolving Door' Ms. Shudofsky said the city had persistently "denied all responsibility for the tragic plight of 10,000 mentally ill adults living in the streets.
The Duchess said: 'There are very few people who can fail to be moved by the tragic plight of the refugees around the world.
However, the future perspective of the scholar Meredith deepens the tragic plight of Everhard and her revolutionary comrades.
In an instant, he realized the man's tragic plight.
The colossal and inscrutable 20th-century composer who has come to epitomize the tragic plight of the artist compelled to play a public role in a totalitarian state?
To the Editor: I have visited Azerbaijan and seen firsthand the tragic plight of its 600,000 internally displaced persons (front page, July 24).
To be sure, the (aptly) asexually named Alex is no heroine; her tragic plight is neither the focus nor the point of the story.
But when he attempts to dramatize the tragic plight of the warrior saint and her traitorous lover, all one hears are grand-opera cliches.
One can only understand the tragic plight of this extremely powerful painting when one visits the palace.