Since the story, which is told in flashback, begins with a prophetic double death, the tragic denouement does not come as a total surprise.
Together they work to bring Urkunchiev down, but it is Noigutov who provokes the tragic denouement.
But it takes a performance of galvanizing intensity and psychological clarity to make her dilemma credible, its tragic denouement inevitable.
He wanted to plumb emotional depths, and he favored tales of violent love with tragic denouements.
What next transpires is the tragic denouement of love lost, found, and then lost forever.
All about the carriage were gathered the children from a dozen blocks, waiting and eager for some tragic and terrible denouement.
It has everything: a beautiful woman, Paris when it sizzled, fast cars and a tragic denouement.
It is the women, then, who impel Theagenes to carry out this fatal action, thus playing a key role in the tragic denouement.
The tragic denouement will involve its default or withdrawal from the single currency, perhaps both.
As a result the work's tragic denouement comes off as oddly insignificant.