As the shadows lengthened, the day's deafening traffic dwindled to the whine of motor scooters loaded beyond their capacities with three, even four clinging passengers.
But traffic on the route dwindled after the construction of railroads at the end of the 19th century, and the once-prosperous towns slipped into economic doldrums for decades.
The traffic of carts and wagons through the traders' gates dwindled.
Northbound traffic had dwindled to military trains and poor straggling refugees, bound like himself for the Promised Land of Nionel.
Commercial traffic dwindled on the Rock Road.
The industry has struggled for years over what to do in the fall and winter when traffic dwindles with the extra airplanes that were needed for the summer rush.
Gradually traffic would dwindle.
By the 1960s, traffic had dwindled to a trickle and the canal narrowly escaped being filled in and paved over for a highway.
As a result, cross-border traffic has dwindled to a trickle, but is still possible for the adventurous.
Long after the domestic traffic on the highway had dwindled to a trickle, leaving only the long-distance freight drivers to roar their way north.