After the inauguration of this highway, traffic to and from Eilat bypassed Mitzpe Ramon almost entirely.
Northbound traffic bypasses this section to the east using those two streets.
Still others, such as the Lincoln Highway in Illinois are former main roads, only designated as "scenic" after most traffic bypasses them.
In December 2005 a new stretch of the M4 motorway opened and most traffic now bypasses the town.
Much of the initial opposition stemmed from a proposal to relocate the Old Saybrook exit so traffic would have bypassed the downtown.
Where an urban area has frontage roads, the traffic can easily bypass the obstruction or closure on the frontage road.
New routes of highway were paved so that Israeli traffic could bypass the Palestinian towns in order to reduce friction.
In the case of Paraopeba, traffic now bypasses the city whereas before it passed through.
Proposals usually have stations close together, and located on side tracks so that through traffic can bypass vehicles picking up or dropping off passengers.
A flyover at the entrance of the airport helps the traffic on GST road bypass the entrance.