Moreover, and based on these problems, in some areas it has become very hard for Hauptschule graduates to find qualified work or begin an apprenticeship, even in professions which traditionally welcomed them and in some areas have now shifted their focus to better qualified applicants, e.g. mechanics, construction or sales.
Although Bhutan traditionally welcomed refugees-and still accepted a few new ones fleeing the 1989 unrest in Tibet-government policy in the late 1980s was to refuse more Tibetan refugees.
Admission is free, and this event traditionally welcomes thousands of area families.
Masking all this torment is a veneer of forced gaiety, since Edward Warren (Peter Coyote), the patriarch, traditionally welcomes each new family failure in ceremonial fashion.
This country traditionally welcomes immigrants.
After two years of holding 15 free-of-charge, one-night-only readings at the Croton Free Library, Hudson Stage is making the leap to a full production in Westchester, which has not been traditionally welcoming to sustained serious theater by professional standards.
While folks in the West traditionally welcome the New Year by drinking champagne and maybe eating black-eyed peas and greens for luck and wealth, the Chinese emphasize feasting and mark New Year's Eve with a large dinner, which typically includes items like dumplings, prawns, dried oysters and other types of seafood.
People here traditionally welcomed the annual arrival of egg-laying turtles to Brazil's richest concentration of turtle nests.
Although daylong Champagne toasts traditionally welcome the new year, some wine aficionados prefer fino and manzanilla sherries.
This country traditionally welcomes immi- grants.