"This is an exciting and visionary statement from an agency that has traditionally protected the monopoly players."
Ms. Thackeray said that just as offshore banks in certain countries have traditionally protected financial privacy some countries protect intellectual property violations.
The belief that birds and wildlife in the area should not be harmed has traditionally protected fauna.
Trondheim was traditionally protected with fortifications by the river Nidelven and Skansen, but the city was vulnerable to attack from the east.
For its part, the Council once again found itself boxed in by the city's nagging fiscal difficulties, with little money available to restore services it has traditionally protected.
"Most countries have traditionally protected their textile industries, but now they may be forced to open up," he said.
And that movement came in Congress, where legislators have traditionally protected the owners' immunity as zealously as the baseball clubs themselves.
Additionally, several community leaders of Ada have indicated that the natural habitat surrounding the town has been traditionally protected for generations.
He smiled now, squatting on the skins piled on the floor for his comfort, and said, "My Lord, Embruddock's corps have traditionally protected the women.
Today the area holds over 400 established routes (both traditionally protected and bolted) ranging in difficulty from 5.0-.13c, and sees visitors almost year round.