The Wancho are traditionally governed by a council of elderly chieftains, known as Wangham or Wangsa.
That standard, which some FEMA officials now say may have been ill defined, goes beyond the laws and regulations that have traditionally governed disaster relief efforts.
But the vital-national-interest context has been that which has traditionally governed the deployment of U.S. military personnel.
House rules are silent on how members are assigned to subcommittees, as this practice is traditionally governed by party rules and practices.
But New York lawmakers say - and some FEMA officials agree - that such a standard goes beyond the laws that have traditionally governed disaster relief efforts.
The European Union has exclusive competence with respect to external aviation which was traditionally governed by bilateral air services agreements between Member States and third countries.
In a city traditionally governed by lawyers, engineers and bankers, she is a sexologist by training.
On the stage, at least, women rule, and not the fantastical, mannered Mames and Dollys who have traditionally governed musicals.
Only two provinces have been traditionally governed by the centre-left (Venice and Rovigo), while Belluno is a swing province.
That new standard, which goes beyond the laws and regulations that have traditionally governed disaster relief efforts, substantially raised the burden of proof on jobless workers trying to qualify.