Green signifies adaptability, and is a color traditionally connected with the Army, a military service deriving direct benefit form the unit's products and services.
The economy, traditionally connected to textile industries and craftsmen, is now increasingly based on services.
Purple is the most prominent colour that is not traditionally connected to any major ideology.
He whispers to his closest companions a command to bring their forces to the North, the region traditionally connected with Satan.
The name was traditionally connected with Latin aula, olla, "palace", but this is most likely a false etymology.
Unlike most viruses, the worm targets systems that are traditionally not connected to the internet for security reasons.
The community were traditionally connected with toddy tapping.
They were traditionally connected with the manufacture of course country cloth.
They are traditionally connected with the farming profession.
The modern Alà appeared in the 16th century, and has since then been traditionally connected to the breeding and agricultural activities.