In the traditional Spanish world, women rarely entered the job market.
Kumar was a modern man in a traditional world, where any room could be a bedroom and a whole family might share one bathroom.
In the traditional offline world of selling products there is something known as "minimum viable product."
Wedren has made a name for himself in both the traditional world of rock and as a sought after television and film music composer.
"Fair Game" is making inroads in the highly traditional world of public radio, but slowly.
Ellwood went on to advocate a health care system that all but obliterated his father's traditional world of medicine.
The integration of arts and crafts into everyday life was very much the norm in the traditional Islamic world.
Summer is the traditional down time for the art world, but New Jersey museums are offering some surprisingly intense shows.
They drew on both traditional world musical styles and the mechanisms of the psychedelic dance scene.
Academia, and science in particular, is tuned to a more traditional world - or at least one where most everyone has a wife.