Eve's pudding is a type of traditional British pudding now made from apples and Victoria sponge cake mixture.
As if we could possibly eat any more, we tried an excellent traditional pudding of tapioca ice-cream made from cassava root.
A traditional pudding is baked six weeks before Christmas and is left tied up in a cloth, in a cool place.
Sophisticated food that relies on the freshest of local ingredients, and doesn't hesitate to include the occasional traditional steamed pudding for dessert.
It would be a pretty poor state of affairs if we abandoned our traditional puddings, leaving only the tourists to appreciate them.
Our favorite dessert was the traditional lemon pudding, an eggy, thick, creamy flan, accented with citrus.
The traditional British puddings are similarly superb.
A traditional English pudding, syllabub was originally made with milk fresh from the cow.
The revival in traditional sweet puddings began in the Lake District.
Christmas in England still means a bird, of course, as well as the traditional pudding crowned with holly and blazing with brandy.