The inner shrine is a beautiful example of traditional piety of leading families of that era in Taiwan's history.
The obeisance to authority might resonate with vestiges of traditional filial piety and be conducive to political stability.
Mr. Rich seems not to understand traditional Christian piety, in which there is the belief that Jesus actually suffered an excruciating amount in order to bring salvation to the world.
This killer, he argues, is "a self-seeking genius liberated" by his disdain for traditional pieties and his pride in his own recklessness and ingenuity.
Born in Rochester, New York, he was raised with the combination of his grandparents' traditional Jewish piety and his father's modernist socialism.
Allin was shocked, as a nicely reared daughter of a rural Lescari household that still observed traditional pieties.
'Fudged' in Defining Feminine Ms. Sullivan, by contrast, welcomed the Pope's traditional piety toward Mary and the images of mother and virgin linked to it.
The Madonna was an icon of traditional piety, while the Old Testament murals illustrated a reformist agenda.
He described Joan as a martyred angel looking down from Heaven to protect the royal family, and concluded with traditional and formal piety:
Rather, they broke into autonomous cells that, to mask their activities, did not show outward signs of traditional Muslim piety and had only loose connections to one another.