But it has also been misunderstood by the media, according to Warren, as indicating a shift in position on traditional evangelical issues.
And the effect of that damage has been to discourage economists from even thinking about the traditional Keynesian issues.
He also emphasized traditional right-wing issues like taxes, crime and government spending.
A long period of peace and general prosperity has blunted traditional issues.
One member of the task force said the digital divide should not overshadow traditional issues defining rich and poor nations.
It was more as if he knew that the traditional issues had no place in the context of the stones.
"At least in Detroit, they are doing a heavy thumping on traditional Democratic issues."
Crime and taxes, the voter concerns cited most in polls, are traditional Republican issues.
Among the predictable, he cited "the traditional issues of hate crimes, free speech, sexual harassment."
The two parties remain at loggerheads on traditional issues of great principle.