The iconography of jain images found here is little different near their hands, but are found naked as per jain's traditional iconography.
She was noted for her paintings on glass and her collages, combining traditional iconography with personal imagery.
He painted mostly sacred themes with traditional iconography in old and new combinations in response to an event, such as Reformation.
Aesthetics: from traditional iconography to contemporary kitsch in the Indian Cinema Superbazar.
Justice had ruled that none of the candidates would be allowed to use the traditional Peronist iconography in detriment of the others.
The decoration combines traditional Christian iconography with the ornate swirling motifs typical of Insular art.
Statues portraying Sobekneferu also combine elements of traditional male and female iconography.
Bethune was an advocate of traditional iconography.
He does not fit the traditional iconography of the victim.
Seen against the traditional iconography of national surrender, this scene conveyed the sense of something wrong or missing.