A small, happy man with a white beard, he always wore the traditional grocers' apron.
And surprise: Many are the traditional, affordable grocers close to your home!
And it's going to be the traditional grocers that do it.
The sub-post office has returned to the premises it formerly occupied in the 1950s when the shop was a traditional grocer's - today it is a self-service store.
One big difference between Amazon and traditional grocers, of course, is that grocery stores can sell perishables.
Walmart was well into its grocery expansion, and bargain retailers began to move into small towns, threatening the traditional grocer.
And, they add, they will become even more competitive with traditional grocers as they work the kinks out and market more aggressively to the public.
We brought in Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace, which is a great gourmet Italian grocer, to replace a very traditional, nonperforming grocer.
The carrot and shallots can be got reasonably if you have a traditional grocer that lets you go over the veg one by one to get the best.
The court cited increasing competition in the organic grocery business from traditional grocers like Safeway and Kroger as reasoning for allowing the deal.