Grants are awarded to qualified individuals or organized groups mostly as an alternative to traditional banking.
Moving beyond traditional banking, Baybanks has used its marketing muscle to gather more than $1 billion in a family of no-load mutual funds.
Its aim is to offer very small credits to lower-middle to lower class and poor people, that would otherwise be ignored by the traditional banking business.
Mellon is trying to move from traditional banking, which has a declining share of the nation's financial activity.
Following Islamic law prohibits a company from involving itself in activities related to gambling, speculation, and traditional banking and financing.
Between 1990 and 2003, more than 24 percent of the jobs in traditional banking were lost.
But the more you learn about it, the more benefits you will discover compared to traditional banking.
The role of a BC is to act as an interface between the bank and its customers in places where traditional banking is not feasible.
"Mellon has made great strides in moving away from traditional banking."
Micro-credits as a business differ from traditional banking.