The move comes at a time of improved relations with Pakistan and China, India's traditional adversaries.
Iran and Iraq are traditional adversaries, and were at war from 1980 to 1988.
Pentagon officials deny any such intention, saying that the bomb was developed to address a potential threat from traditional nuclear adversaries.
The strategy, which has evolved as a way around governmental resistance to change, involves pragmatic partnerships, sometimes between traditional adversaries.
The traditional adversaries - big business, owners of capital, managers - are no longer viewed that way.
In that effort, paradoxically, our most important ally is our traditional adversary.
The utilities said Tuesday that they would work with their traditional adversaries - state regulators and environmentalists - to encourage conservation.
Beijing's operations are far less structured than the spying activities of traditional adversaries.
Contrary to the standard view, the U.N. is not a traditional adversary of Israel.
Some new housing in Russia is being built by Germany, a traditional adversary, as the price for troop withdrawals.