It came with a full cup of possibly the most flavorful coffee I've ever tasted, made even more enjoyable by being served in charming traditional blue-and-white china.
What held traditional China and Japan back, we now understand, was not culture, but stifling institutions, bad politics and misguided policies.
The school curriculum is meant to combine the best approaches of traditional China and the West.
"I was brought up in a family in which the political and cultural demise of traditional China was a constant theme," he said.
Since they are not used for food, charger plates can be found in a variety of materials, from traditional china, to metal, wood, glass, plastic and pearl.
A number of stories detailing Mi Heng's insulting manner survive from traditional China.
Huang's writings were an important element in transforming traditional China into its modern form.
Even those with the most cursory knowledge of traditional China should be aware of the almost total absence of information about peasants.
The book served as a standard Confucianist textbook for the moral education of women in traditional China for two millennia.
The majority of China's people live in the eastern segment of the country, the traditional China proper.