The Vai are predominantly Muslim, and have for centuries practiced traditions rooted in studying the Quran.
Chicago has a rich literary tradition rooted in its gritty street life, its romantic populism, its immigrant waves and its constant reinventions.
Indeed, in a kind of a cultural rebellion against Communism, Poles clung to many traditions rooted in the country's aristocratic past.
However, several traditions rooted in Africa continue to the present day in African-American spiritual practices.
Many of these were shramanas, who represented a non-Vedic tradition rooted in India's pre-Aryan history.
It is a tradition rooted in "cunning-craft," a patchwork of older magical practice and later Christian mythology.
Following Amish tradition rooted in biblical passages that decry "graven images," she refused to be photographed, appear on television or allow her voice to be taped.
Firstly Lamb was an inheritor of the Scottish Enlightenment and the strong classical tradition rooted at that time in the country's educational system.
We're all part of Western scientific civilization, after all, and things have been dominated for too long by traditions rooted in ancient Palestinian mysticism.
Politics, he insisted, was a tradition rooted across time in the real issues and personalities of history, not some impulsive crankiness fed by sound bites.