The writings of the Old World were lost two thousand years ago, and only our oral story- telling traditions have preserved the information they contained.
Or perhaps in a large city, traditions preserved from the civilization of Granada.
Jewish traditions in the Targums preserve other half-legendary lore about the pair.
It would be interesting if tradition had preserved for us Miss Muffett's subsequent adventures.
Local tradition, however, preserves the name of a previous bishop, Simplicius, who died in 492.
Oral tradition has preserved many tales which grew up around her, many of them no less attractive for being impossible to verify.
Tax bills traditionally come to the floor under a rule that does not permit amendments, and the leadership wants that tradition preserved.
Jewish tradition has preserved national and personal reminders of this pivotal narrative in daily life.
Neither history nor tradition have preserved the date or purpose of its construction.
There is no written record of the dispute between the two men, but tradition has preserved their story.