"We're trying to keep a tradition alive," he added, "a tradition of music played by people."
Well into the 19th century, the classical tradition derived from Greece played an important role in the art of the western world.
Anthropological studies, historical accounts, social developments, customs, traditions, and arts can all play a part.
Oral tradition played a major part in transmitting and passing down this culture of superstition.
For the Bedouin sedentarization is even more painful since tradition plays a very important role in their community.
Christianity also continued the tradition as wine played an important role in their ceremonies.
He acknowledged that tradition had played a role in their ultimate decision not to make the chip time the official result.
Although cost is the major reason that most builders do not offer such houses, tradition also plays a role, he noted.
Legal traditions play an important role in the development of international law and justice.
The long-distance game had become a tradition between the two men, played whenever Ethan went to sea.