Rugby union is a moderately popular team sport played in Romania with a tradition of more than 90 years.
Faculty, administration, parents and community try to keep alive the traditions of more than 50 years.
A lot of people wanted to stay with the old scale because it had a tradition of 50 years.
You have preserved the tradition and knowledge of seventy years, saving it for the twenty-first century.
But it is not easy to change a tradition of 50 years overnight or to make democracy in a country.
The region has a tradition of many years.
Though the term itself has a tradition of more than 100 years, there is no consensus on its explicit content.
The traditions and beliefs of five thousand years are as healthy for us today as they were in times long ago.
The life in the associations is rich and has also a tradition of over 100 years.
We have a tradition of 7,000 years of law.