Sailing on the high seas has a long history, with embedded traditions largely inherited from the days of sail.
The poetic tradition inherited by the Tang poets was immense and diverse.
Then, in a tradition inherited from her Italian grandparents, she said the first meal of the year should include lentils.
Great political power lies in control of the benefits program, a tradition inherited from Eva Peron.
It is also known for its extraordinary gastronomic traditions inherited from their ancient Mayan ancestors.
It is a tradition inherited from the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers.
This contrasting, majority view, has been thoroughly developed in the catholic, Trinitarian tradition inherited by most Protestants.
Habeas corpus rights are part of the British legal tradition inherited by Canada.
Following a tradition inherited from antiquity, Daniel describes women as lustful and untrustworthy.
Branches have carried forward many of the traditions inherited from their Corps or Service predecessors.