One tradition claims that Union soldiers raped his wife and daughter.
Ancient tradition claims that it is one of the gates of hell.
The African-American Christian tradition alone claims about 65,000 churches and 20 million members.
Some traditions claimed it a place of execution, others of pre-Christian human sacrifice.
Competing traditions claim that the robe has been preserved to the present day.
The original icon has probably now been lost, although various traditions claim that it was carried to Russia or Italy.
All the major religious traditions claim that the acid test of any spirituality is the degree to which it has been integrated with daily life.
Local tradition claims it was named after Samuel, one of the Crusaders who established the village.
I suppose that's possible; tradition claims many mages have had Gifts like ours, and used them for evil purposes.
Subsequent tradition claims that he was a disciple of St. Peter.