On Monday the won rose 10 percent as many traders anticipated the Government would finally end the trading limit.
Pork belly futures rose by the daily trading limit, and prices on other livestock contracts were also up.
A year later, currency traders again tested the narrow trading limits set by European monetary officials.
Prices pared losses late in the day after dropping the 2-cent daily trading limit.
Several traders noted that prices bounced back almost immediately after the trading limits were imposed in the morning.
Only strict trading limits imposed by Seoul have kept the won from free fall in the last few weeks.
The hope is that the temporary removal of trading limits will allow share prices to bottom out and set the stage for a rebound.
The nearby contracts, on which there are no daily trading limits, lost more than 7 cents.
July wheat fell its 20-cent trading limit, to $5.0875 a bushel.
Cotton futures advanced the daily trading limit yesterday after the Government reported that consumption had reached record levels last month.