In addition, traders tended to de-emphasize February's nine-tenths of 1 percent drop because it reflected sagging auto sales.
Better yet, traders, unlike book or computer shoppers, tend to be "sticky," to use E-commerce parlance; they remain loyal to an established relationship.
Good traders tend to do the unexpected.
The pullback suggested traders tended to believe the report but wanted to be cautious.
Importers, traders and refineries tend to stock up, and so some participants put their prices up.
Given the quotes, traders tend to think of bonds in terms of their clean prices.
But because activity was relatively light, some traders and analysts tended to discount the day's events.
He added that traders tended to avoid big exposure when news with such market-moving potential as the monthly labor market report was imminent.
Is it more proof that professional traders tend to be manic-depressives?
Credit spreads are negative vega since, if the price of the underlying doesn't change, the trader will tend to make money as volatility goes down.