To do this, Salomon has said, the traders submitted unauthorized bids in customers' names.
The testimony by Ms. Markey comes shortly after five of the nation's largest energy traders admitted that some traders had submitted false natural gas pricing data to publishers compiling gas indexes.
Despite being a legal requirement, some traders submit their declarations late, or not at all.
Estimates are not included for partial response (ie when traders submit some but not all of their trade for a particular month) for the OTS.
This is more difficult in the presence of virtual bidding as virtual traders can submit virtual supply to compete away this withholding practice.
A Europe-wide computer system, operated by the European Commission, which enables traders to submit Community/Common Transit (CT) declarations electronically.
Federal investigators are trying to determine if the companies or their traders submitted the data to manipulate prices.
Most importantly, the changes contain a provision that traders should submit certain information prior to importing or exporting goods.
I welcome the proposal that the protocol should contain a provision that traders should submit certain information prior to importing or exporting goods, so that customs security measures are properly implemented.
Stage 4: The trader submits the SDI before the end of the fourth working day of the following month.