The Act specifically controls the way in which traders and companies seek business.
European traders sought access to Chinese markets and resources.
The most common carry trade currency used to be the yen, with traders seeking to benefit from Japan's low interest rates.
The euro fell to a 15-month low against the dollar as traders sought to sell the currency before the end of the year.
Many traders were seeking to get out of or to reverse the spreads they had taken in cattle and hogs.
Initially, however, this kind of political uncertainty usually causes traders and investors to seek safety in the dollar.
Along with heavy demand by traders seeking to take delivery, this was largely responsible for crude's price surge, he said.
Analysts attributed much of the activity to traders seeking to capture the company's quarterly dividend.
The universe of quantitative traders seeking to exploit such loopholes is diverse.
In fact, some people on Wall Street said they thought this might be used as a potential loophole by traders seeking to evade the rule.